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You must be 18+ to view this page

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The delivery takes place during working hours between 8:00 and 17:00 on the working day following the "In Delivery" notification e-mail.

The courier service will notify you by email about the delivery.

If the order does not arrive on time, report the problem by responding to the notification of the courier service.

The goods are sent from a foreign location. We are not responsible for any delays in delivery.

In any case, we will invoice the shipping fee for the package that has not been received, and we will not accept another order until it is settled!

Our company cannot check the correctness of the address, we are not responsible for inaccurate or incorrect addresses, the cost of shipping there and back is borne by the buyer.


We send all packages with cash on delivery.

Upon receipt, you pay the courier in cash.

There is no other payment method.

The delivery fee is HUF 2,399.

For orders over HUF 40,000, we cover the shipping costs.